Toast #

Standard toast component for user interaction. Use PToastProvider provider for access usePToast hook from children components

import {PToastProvider, usePToast} from "pearkit;

    // access usePToast hook,

Basic #

This is standard use of the toast component. Use usePToast hook and access the fire function.

const toast = usePToast();

    const showToast = () => {{
            title: 'Success Toast Title',
            message: 'Success toast message...'
<PButton onClick={showToast} label="Show Info Toast"/>

Options #

For toast options, config is written to the second parameter of the fire method. Here you can give 4 different values to the position key in the config. These values are top-start, top-end (default), bottom-end and bottom-start. And you can give number values to the timeout key in the config. Note: Since there is only one provider here, instant changes to the config file affect all toasts.

const toast = usePToast();

    const showToast = (type) => {{
            title: 'Success Toast Title',
            message: 'Success toast message...',
            position: 'bottom-end',
            timeout: 1000
<PButton onClick={() => showToast('info')} label="Show Info Toast"/>

Status #

You can handle 4 different situations here. The values are info (default), error, success and warning.

const toast = usePToast();

    const showToast = (type) => {{
            title: 'Success Toast Title',
            message: 'Success toast message...',
            type // 'error', 'success', 'warning' and 'info'
<PButton color={"blue"} onClick={() => showToast('info')} label="Show Info Toast"/>
<PButton color={"red"} onClick={() => showToast('error')} label="Show Error Toast"/>
<PButton color={"yellow"} onClick={() => showToast('warning')} label="Show Warning Toast"/>
<PButton color={"green"} onClick={() => showToast('success')} label="Show Success Toast"/>

Accessibility (Not Ready Yet) #


Api #

Here you can see all the working features for the toast component.

firefunctionnullTrigger function of the component
PToastProviderprovidernullNeed for toast component hook
propertiesfire function 1nd parameter{type: 'info'}Fire function properties
optionsfire function 2nd parameter{position:'top-end', timeout:3000}Fire function options