Tag #

Standard tag component for categorize content

import { PTag } from 'pearkit';

Basic #

Label of the tag is defined with the label property.

<PTag label="New" />

Colors #

Since we use the tailwind color palette in our design, you can use the names of all tailwind colors as props. For example : sky red indigo

<PTag color="orange" />

Rounded #

Enabling rounded, displays a tag as a fully rounded

<PTag rounded />

Icon #

You can add a tag icon by passing an icon component to the icon property.

<PTag icon={<Icon icon="mdi:check"/>} />

Accessibility (Not Ready Yet) #


Api #

Here you can see all the working features for the tag component.

labelstringnullLabel of the component
colorTwColorblueColors of the component
roundedbooleantrueFully rounded design of the component
iconReactNodenullIcon component of the tag component