Radio #

A simple radio button but a little better in terms of design.

import { PRadio } from 'pearkit';

Basic #

Just as it receives all input attributes, you can also send a label prop. Here is a simple usage.

const [option, setOption] = useState('option1');

    label="Option 1"
    checked={option === 'option1'}
    onChange={(e) => setOption(}
    label="Option 2"
    checked={option === 'option2'}
    onChange={(e) => setOption(}

Colors #

Since we use the tailwind color palette in our design, you can use the names of all tailwind colors as props. For example : sky red indigo etc.

<PRadio color="indigo"/>

Invalid #

We can manage this state by sending the standard isInvalid property.

<PRadio isInvalid={true}/>
<PRadio isInvalid/>

Disabled #

We can manage this state by sending the standard disabled property.

<PRadio disabled={true} />
<PRadio disabled />

Accessibility (Not Ready Yet) #

Api #

Here you can see all the working features for the radio component.

labelstringnullLabel of the component
colorsTwColorblueColors of the component
isInvalidboolean | true | falseblueInvalid state of the component