Badge #

Badge is a small status indicator for another element.

import { PBadge } from 'pearkit';

Basic #

Text to display is defined with the value property.

<PBadge value={1}/>

Colors #

Since we use the tailwind color palette in our design, you can use the names of all tailwind colors as props. For example : sky red indigo

<PBadge color="red" value={2}/>
<PBadge color="indigo" value={7}/>
<PBadge color="yellow" value={12}/>
<PBadge color="sky" value={148}/>
<PBadge color="blue" value={34}/>

Sizes #

3 sizes available. Of these, xs is selected by default, the other 2 options are sm and base.

<PBadge value={7}/>
<PBadge color="sky" size="sm" value={65}/>
<PBadge color="orange" size="base" value={300}/>

Position #

You can position a block element whose container is relative by using style values.

<div className="relative w-[100px] h-[50px] border rounded">
    <PBadge style={{position:'absolute', top: '-10px', right: '-10px'}} value={3}/>

Accessibility (Not Ready Yet) #


Api #

Here you can see all the working features for the badge.

valuenumber0Value of the component
sizestring | xs | sm | basexsSizes of the component
colorstring | Tailwind Color NamesblueColors of the component.