Input #

Input component is standard form object

import { PInput } from 'pearkit';

Basic #

It is the standard input element that you can use in forms. Gets all form attributes.

<PInput placeholder=""/>

Variant #

We created 3 variants, thinking that you can make different designs. outlined is used by default. The other two are underlined and filled options.

<PInput />
<PInput variant="underlined" />
<PInput variant="filled" />

Sizes #

The input component comes with 3 different size options. These are sm, base and lg. By default base works.

<PInput size="sm"/>
<PInput />
<PInput size="lg"/>

Rounded #

For fully rounded edges, you can use the rounded property.

<PInput rounded />
<PInput rounded variant="underlined" />
<PInput rounded variant="filled" />

Invalid #

You can use the isInvalid property when using input validation on a form element.

<PInput isInvalid={true} />

Errors #

Or you can write errors by filling in the errors property. This option puts the component in invalid state without looking at the isInvalid property.

<PInput errors={['Error 1', 'Error 2']} />

Label #

You can declare what the input is about by adding a label property.

<PInput label="Email"/>

Description #

By adding a description property, you can specify a situation that needs attention for the input.

<PInput description="Please add valid email address"/>

Loading #

Considering that you are using server-side validation for the input component, we thought you would need an isLoading feature. :)

<PInput isLoading={true}/>

Disabled #

For the disabled property, it is sufficient to provide the property itself directly.

<PInput disabled/>

Icon #

Is it possible without an icon ? Of course not :) Here is how to use it with an icon.

<PInput icon={<Icon icon="mdi:envelope"/>} />

Password Reveal #

If your input component type is password we give you a show/hide password icon. Also, you do not have to show this icon all the time. You can use the passwordReveal property to manage this situation.

<PInput type="password" passwordReveal={false} />

Accessibility (Not Ready Yet) #


Api #

Here you can see all the working features for the input component. You can also send all HTML input properties.

iconReactNodenullIcon of the component.
isLoadingbooleanfalseLoading state of the component.
colorTwColor | Tailwind Color Names UnionblueColors of the component.
sizestring | sm | base | lgbaseSizes of the component.
variantstring | outlined | underline | filledoutlinedVariant of the component.
labelstringnullLabel of the component.
isInvalidbooleanfalseInvalid state of the component.
errorsstring[][]Errors of the component.
descriptionstringnullDescription of the component.
roundedbooleanfalseFully rounded design of the component.
passwordRevealbooleanfalseChange type prop of the component.